Forgive the dearth of posts here for the last two weeks. As
you might imagine, things are very hectic around these parts as I settle into a
new life and new job. Despite the distractions, I’m still busy at work on
various gaming-related projects and even managed to finish up a short one today.
With a few moments to spare before I consider heading off to the Land of Nod
(not the blog or fanzine, but the metaphorical place of dreams), I thought I’d
bring you all up to speed on things.
I’ve finally managed to unpack and get settled into the new
apartment. Unfortunately, without much time between accepting the position and
my first day of work, I didn’t have a lot of lead time to find a place to live.
The result is that I’m living in a much smaller space than I had hoped. It’s
not a studio or what they laughing call an “efficiency apartment” (read: “motel
room without the conveniences of an actual motel”), but it is a bit cramped,
especially for the archivist and gamer whose library is one of the reasons
people usually only help me move once.
The upside is that the place does have its charm. It was
originally a large barn built in the 1880s that’s since been renovated and
diced up into apartments. I have lots of old exposed wood beams and floors, as
well as a pair of stained glass windows that look into the bedroom and what I’m
calling the “reading and writing nook.” I can see the Wallkill River and its
cataracts from my window and aside from the Mysterious Thing with Heavy Feet
that Lives Overhead, my fellow residents are friendly, yet discreet. Being on
the second floor, my place also comes delightfully equipped with a Superhero
Emergency Escape Hatch, which is a fire exit leading to a shaft containing a
ladder running down to the ground floor, located directly off of my bedroom.
I’m contemplating starting a life of crime just so I can utilize it when the
S.W.A.T. team starts breaking down the front door. When time allows, I’ll post
some pictures of my new headquarters and you’re all invited to drop by for a
delve into Stonehell the next time you’re in the neighborhood.
Speaking of Stonehell, work continues on the sequel and my
determination to finish it and get it out by year’s end remains unabated. My
work schedule and the whole process of relocating and unpacking have cut into
the time I’d like to be writing the manuscript, but I’ve taken to getting up an
hour early to get some design work accomplished before I start my day. I’m
currently working on a quadrant on the 7th level called “The
Welchers’ Halls” for reasons that will become apparent once you see what lies
to the south of this section.
Those of you who contributed to the “Help Mike Relocate to
the Wilderness Where He Belongs” Fund will all receive a special mention when
the book comes out, as promised. I’m really dumbfounded by the contributions
some of you made and am in awe that you were willing to part with your
hard-earned cash to help out some guy who writes about monsters, magic, and
other dubious pursuits, one many of you have never even met. Those funds were a
real life-saver this week when I was hit with some unexpected bills above and
beyond the astronomical cost of renting a Penske truck and filling that beast
with gas. The alternator went on my car and I got hit with another $100+ bill
for another repair. Without that extra money, I’d be scared spitless regarding
how I would survive until my first paycheck clears. So although I’ve already
thanked you all in email, let me do so again: “Thank you, thank you, thank you
very much!”
With such limited space to live in, I had to leave the
majority of my gaming collection in storage back on Long Island, but I’m trying
to view that as a feature, not a bug. Aside from the B/X books, Stonehell I,
and the Labyrinth Lord rulebook, I just have my 1
st edition (2
Call of Cthulhu boxed set and my complete run of
The Oblivion (which got loaded onto the truck when I wasn’t looking).
Call of Cthulhu is really , well “calling” to me right now, and I’m very
tempted to make that the next campaign I run once I find my place here and a
new gaming group. If I were to do so, I’d take the
“Out of
the Box” approach, using just the materials provided in the boxed set and
pretending nothing else was ever written for the game. That idea really has my
head whirling with possibilities.
The other reason that Call of Cthulhu is enticing me is
that I’m now living in the real Wildwyck County. The series I’m writing for
Fight On! is based on the landscape, history, and my own experiences in Ulster
County as an undergraduate. Now that I’m an actual resident of Wildwyck, I’m
hoping to tap into the rich history and atmosphere that pervades the country
just outside my front door and make that series even better. I’m planning on
watching the full moon rise tonight and brainstorm.
I made the initial efforts to locate a gaming group this
week, joining a local Meetup group based in the area, but I’m not sure how
that’s going to pan out just yet. So again, if you’re one of my readers and
want the dubious honor of having me at your table, feel free to contact me at
the email listed to the right. Unfortunately, my internet connection is less
than efficient, meaning I won’t have the option of participating in FLAILSNAILS
games for the foreseeable future, making me even more determined to find a
local face-to-face group as understanding and tolerant of my penchant for
weirdness as my last one.
Before I go, I want to remind you all once again that even
though my postings may be reduced, my participation in the hobby is not. Some
of you lucky bastards have already gotten their hands on Goodman Games’ new
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
and you’ll notice my name in that book’s credits. I did some of the spells for
it and there’s one I’m most proud off. A No-Prize goes to the first one to
guess which spell that is.
Games will be
another game I designed using the Action Table System to
Labyrinth Lord Society
members in the near future and I hope you card-carrying members download it,
give it a whirl, and let me know what you think. I charted a course into Bat
Country when writing it and I hope that comes through in the final product.
In still other design news, I’m one of the contributing
authors to The Secret Fire’s next supplement,
I: The Way of Tree, Shadow & Flame. One of my co-designers on that book
is an up-and-coming young lad who I think has a lot of potential, and I’m sure
you’ll be hearing the name” Eddie Greenwood” again in the future.
Lastly, a reminder that I’ll be down in Texas for NTRPGCon
to run a few DCC games (“Emirikol Must Die!,” a convention variant of my
Emirikol Was
Framed! adventure from Goodman Games, as well as a converted (and
possibly perverted) version of my first OSR release,
“The Fane of St. Toad.” One of
those sessions may have a secret special guest, but I’m not telling who or
when. There’s also talk of Tim Kask and I doing a workshop on “Gonzo Gaming”
with other guests, but that’s still being hashed out as far as I know. After
getting to know and play with Tim at Gary Con, doing a seminar with him would
be a great pleasure. One that would only be eclipsed if Dan Proctor and I win
this year’s Three Castles Award for
of Crawling Chaos.
Oh, one more thing: this year’s Goodman Games’ Free RPG Day
release features two adventures and another special treat. Those adventures
were written by the most excellent Harley Stroh and I. My home group had a
blast playtesting my contribution, even if things didn’t turn out so well for one
of the PCs.
OK, I’m done. Off to howl at the moon a bit before bed.
Thank you all again for the well-wishes, support (both verbal, financial, and
professional), and camaraderie you’ve provided me since I first dipped my toe
into both the OSR and the industry. I couldn’t have done it without you.