Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Dungeon Alphabet Has Sold Out

And not in the “I signed a deal with McDonalds for Dungeon Alphabet Happy Meals™” sort of way.

The entire first printing of The Dungeon Alphabet is gone from the Goodman Games warehouse (which I picture looking similar to the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark). If you haven’t purchased a print copy and you see one on your FLGS’s shelf, snap it up because it’ll be a while before it’s back in print.

A second printing is in the planning for late May and Goodman Games is currently taking pre-orders for the second print run. The second printing corrects a few minor typographical boo-boos and will feature Peter Mullen’s truly groovy endsheets printed in a 1980’s-TSR-module blue ink.

To have The Dungeon Alphabet, my first professional gaming book, sell out in three months is just the latest in the long string of unbelievable events for me regarding the book. First, Goodman Games rounded up a cadre of great artists, some who are legends in the hobby, to contribute artwork. Then, “Zeb” Cook, a designer who has influenced my own writing, was lassoed into doing the introduction to the book. After its release, the Alphabet became one of if not the best reviewed products Goodman Games has put out. And now it’s burned through the entire first printing. To paraphrase Captain Renault, I'm shocked, shocked to find that you all have embraced the Alphabet to the extent you have!

I am deeply humbled and thankful.


Anonymous said...

Ordered mine from Amazon last week!

Secular Transhumanist said...

Damnit... I ordered one from my FLGS more than a month ago, and I doubt I'll ever see it.

Joe G Kushner said...

Urban Alphabet! Wilderness Alphabet!

Robert Conley said...

Congrats and hope the 2nd printing does as well.

Unknown said...

Ordered one through one of the local game stores and I have never been happier with an RPG purchase. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. And a damn fine RPG writer!

Talysman said...

you should totally send a letter to McDonald's corporate asking if they want to include Dungeon Alphabet images on Happy Meal boxes.

Rusty said...

Congratulations! I agree with Joe, but Talysman's idea might just put you in a different tax bracket.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, well deserved. I ordered mine through Paizo, got a message it was on back order, finally got it about two months or more after I ordered it. Well worth the wait.

The sheer volume of artwork took my breath away. Pete Mullen's double-page spreads are brilliant. A momentous event not only for you Mike, but for the OSR. Well done and thank you. :)

R. Lawrence Blake said...

Congrats! If any book deserves this kind of success, it's the Dungeon Alphabet. I'm happy to be one of the guys who helped Goodman Games burn through that 1st printing so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Planar Alphabet!
Ships and Seas Alphabet!
The Wilderness Alphabt!
The City Alphabet!
Castle Alphabet!
Inn and Tavern Alphabet!

More, damn you....



Cameron said...


Norman J. Harman Jr. said...

Do you know, are you allowed to say how large print run was? 500, 5000, ????

Anonymous said...

Whew, ordered mine last week (from Amazon too). Glad I stopped dithering then.

Congrats on selling out! Wait, that doesn't sound quite right... ;)

Steinkel said...

Congrats Michael. You really deserve it. Great work.

Michael Curtis said...

Do you know, are you allowed to say how large print run was?

For both contractual and professional reasons, I avoid talking in hard figures unless GG makes them public first. I'll merely say that the print run lies somewhere between the two figures you suggested and leave it at that.

Michael Curtis said...

Thank you, everyone. You've all been a part of the book's success and it couldn't have sold out without you folks buying up copies.

Michael Curtis said...

I ordered one from my FLGS more than a month ago, and I doubt I'll ever see it.

The book is still in the distribution chain, but there are no more copies to resupply the distributors once those are gone. Depending on who your FLGS does business with, they may still be able to get a copy.

I must admit though that the book has been a tough one to find in the tri-state area, so I'll just wish you luck. I need to check in with my own game shop and see how things stand with their distributor.

Lord Ghul of Hyperborea said...

Congrats! I enjoy my copy very much.

Jeff T.

Dave Y said...

Congratulations Michael!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Bought the pdf and I love it. Will get the hardback as soon as I can find it.

Norman J. Harman Jr. said...

Thanks for the info. I occasionally like to point out the successes of our niche, having even vague numbers is useful.

And sorry I forgot to congratulate you. Well done, old chap. It is an awesome product at a supremely affordable price. Total winner.

Strangebrew said...

Just ordered mine last week from GG (it's due to arrive Monday)...I wonder if it was the last copy?? I like to think so at least.

On a side note, I was considering ordering it for awhile, but saw a review of it on a Spanish language blog that had a number of interior page photos which really sold me on it. I'm looking forward to checking it out firsthand.