I wanted to point this out because I’ve been seeing it a few places online now and it just needles me. Maybe you’ve see it too.

I’m referring to the ads for Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale, a new title for the Xbox. I’m not one for console gaming, but it’s not that there’s a D&D video game which irks me. It’s the fact that they use this quote as part of the advertising campaign:

That’s pretty much the most asinine statement I’ve heard in recent weeks. OK, I’ve vented; back to lighting candles and not cursing the darkness. Sorry about that.
I agree, though, that that is bizarre to read.
Hang in there. :D
I am close enough to the Wisconsin border to hear GG spinning in his grave...
One of my favorite Gary Gygax quotes (and it's in my email signature) is:
There is no role-playing in an online game that can match what happens in person.
That sums up my feelings about the matter.
Even more ironic as the game has been getting rough reviews.
My God its so clear to me now.This is the way that D&D was supposed to be played. By myself without my friends & with a really terrible video game. What was I thinking playing that other way, with friends, having fun, all that social interaction & rolling real dice. This video game business is the way it was meant to be played! Of course! Of course! Gary was wrong & this is right! How was I to know??????!
Marketing bullshit: exhibit 87634529087
Don't read too much into it. Gamepro and most of the others are corporate shills for video game developers. Too many bad games have received above average reviews. After D&D Online, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2, and Neverwinter Nights 2, I'm leery of any video game with the D&D logo on it(come to think of it, as great as it was, Planescape: Torment was pretty buggy too).
Dagger Dale should be Zak Sabbath's new nom de porn.
Gamepro is now on my list.
I didn't have a list before, but now I have a list, and Gamepro is on it.
- Ark
I agree completely, asinine.
I have played this game and it was an evenings diversion which I played with a friend. Overall the game was mediocre at best and not at all role-playing in any sense of the word. I played through the first half and have had no compulsion to finish the game.
For my video game RPG fix I will wait for The Elder Scrolls : Skyrim. The developers at Bethesda get the whole sandbox experience and deliver the best one not at a gaming table with dice and good friends.
After all the heat I got for my last 4E post, ye Gods I keep being vindicated.
I agree w/ James. Read the reviews and it's pretty brutal. The metacritic score right now is 48%.
I wouldn't mind it if it were a decent game. Even if the style of D&D is not what I prefer.
No thanks. Theres no option to create your own character at all. You have to go with one of four pre-gens.
If the best they can do for their ad is a quote from Gamepro, the game must be bad. Gamepro has been a joke since it debuted in the 80's. Pay it no mind, it's not worth getting upset over.
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