Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Gonzo Gaming" Panel at NTRPGCon with Tim Kask & Michael Curtis

For those of you who were not able to attend, video from NTRPGCon is now up on YouTube. Below is the panel on "Gonzo Gaming" that Tim Kask and I presented on Friday. The first clip overlaps with Dave "Zeb" Cook and Steve Winter talking about 2E. Tim and I take the table around the 25:00 mark and continue through into the next clip. Doing this was a blast and it was with great pride and joy that a few familiar faces sat in to watch the shenanigans. I hope everyone walked out with a few ideas on how to "gonzo" up their campaigns.


Higgipedia said...

Nobody ever remembers the character that played it safe...

True words, my friend.

Anonymous said...

"responsible for your own orgasm" Did he just quote zak sabbath?

Balrog62 said...

I love the orc and chest example. I'm stealing that and tying it in with the Kobold Union....

Badmike said...

Michael, thanks for coming to the con, it was great to meet you. Hope you can make it again! I felt like there were a million more things I wanted to ask you...