I’m currently sorting through my old minis to determine what needs to be stripped and repainted and what needs to be culled completely. Amongst them, I found one knight who is missing his shield. I’m not sure who produced Sir Aegisless the Exposed, but he obviously hails from the period in the mid 1980s when mini companies decided to mold their figures separately and include plastic shields to attach to a boss on the miniatures’ arms. I’ve looked online to find a replacement, but truth be told, I just need a single shield and not an entire sprue of them. Does anyone have a spare they’d be willing to pop in an envelope and mail my way? I could probably rig a replacement from a washer and some green stuff, but I thought I see if anyone has some extras lying in the bottom of their mini box first.
Here’s Sir Aegisless so you know what I’m talking about:

Nice mini!
I think I have some plastic 'warhammer' shields (they might be too big) but I won't be home for a few days. Email me at sbpoag (at) gmail (dot) com with your mailing address and I'll drop one in the mail next week.
I'm pretty certain that's an old Citidel Minaiture from the 1988 adventurer's release. Don't have that catalogue anymore so I can't check, but I'm pretty certain all the same.
let me look - I'll get back to you
no go. time to get creative with a washer - sorry Mike!
I have a host of 80's-90's Citadel minatures, most of which are unpainted. It includes a plastic skeleton army which came with many many shields (this box: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Games-Workshop-OOP-1990s-boxed-plastic-Skeleton-Army-/260846107677).
Would one of those shields suffice?
I'm UK based however, so if you're across the pond it may be more practical to source more 'locally'.
Thanks for the offers, everyone. I've contacted Limpey about taking a spare shield off of his hands. If it turns out he doesn't have a spare, I'll ask around again. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
That's weird, my dad has a dwarf figure with one of those backhand bosses, and I always assumed it was a funky weapon. Now I know ... and knowing is half the battle! ;P
Even better. Citadel miniatures made a complete line of Normans, back in the day. I have this very figure as part of that set. The shields that came with them were norman Kites, kind of rounded top teardrop shaped if you know what I mean - and they were metal, not plastic. Ah yes - I can still remember the old citadel one-sheet days, when every bloody figure had a name!
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