While tooling around online looking for Victorian period minis, I happened upon a mention of the miniature skirmish wargame, England Invaded. Produced by Over the Wire Games & Miniatures and available from Warrior Miniatures in the U.K., it seems to be set in an alternate history timeline where World War I broke out a couple decades early. The minis are the perfect mixture of the Victorian and the Great War, and cover the English, German, French, Turkish, American, Cossacks, and a few independent forces (the Americans all have cowboy hats).
I’m not much of a mini wargamer and have no interest in pursuing a second career as Warhammer general, but this line tickles me in just the right places. Has anyone out there had any experience playing this or with the minis? The prices aren’t bad for buying them overseas, but not cheap enough to justify spending the cash without doing some research.
My attitudes and interests when it comes to RPGs have been heading in strange directions lately, and if this turns out to be a winner, I can see strange fruit being born from peculiar trees.
That's a great-looking line of minis! I'd never heard of them before, but I'd love to see what they inspire should you head down that road.
The Miniatures Page has a very active forum system. Head over to their message boards and do a search for England Invaded and you'll get a dozen threads with reviews and discussion about the figures.
The years you've mentioned are also that which holds my attention and interest most.
The mini looks great.
--Thanks for turning us on to it.
I would suggest you explore GASLIGHT. It is a simple and fun miniature wargame, that is for the exact period you are talking about, add in all the pulpiness you want or don't want. It's skirmishy scale so don't need tons of troops.
And TMP is the best place for mini news. Second is the Lead Adventure Forum, which will probably whet your appetite more, and get questions answered faster than TMP.
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