Continuing the tradition of dedicating each issue to one of the trailblazers of the hobby, Fight On! #4 is dedicated to David A. Hargrave, the legendary creator of Arduin. Like him or loathe him, you must admit he made his own mark on the game that we all share. The Table of Contents for Issue #4 is reproduced below.
Table of Contents
Delvers Delve (David Bowman)………………………3
Silver Knights of the Eld (Beaudry and Calithena)….…7
Knights & Knaves (Kesher)………….………………10
House of the Axe (Calithena)……………………...…12
Random Rooms (Michael Curtis)…………………......37
Dungeons and Librarians (Jason Vasché)…………….38
Dungeon Home Remedies (Jeff Rients)……...………41
The Spring Temple of Ai (Gabor Lux)………...……..42
Education of a Magic-User (Will Douglas)……...……45
The Tower and Spells of Duvan’Ku (J. Raggi IV)….....46
Creepies & Crawlies (Jeff Rients)…………………….52
Ghost Stories (Geoffrey O. Dale)…………………....54
Vault of the Magic Goddess (Matthew Riedel)……….57
Tables for Fables (Age of Fable)……………………..65
Proclamations of the Fomalhaut Oracle (G. Lux)……66
Magical Weapon Drawbacks (Wayne Rossi)………….68
Carousing Mishaps (Jeff Rients)……………………...69
Fungoid Gardens of the Bone Sorcerer (G.McKinney)70
These Mean Streets (Baz Blatt)……………………....79
Oceanian Legends (Del L. Beaudry)………………….91
The Airships of Mistworld (Steve Marsh)…………….95
The Kitsunemori Campaign (Alex Schroeder)………..96
Chrysolia (Monty St. John)……………………….…100
The Darkness Beneath (James Maliszewski)………...106
Merlin’s Mystical Mirror (Jeff Rients)……………….117
Guest Editorial (Calithena)………………………….118
Artifacts, Adjuncts, & Oddments (J. Raggi IV)……...120
This issue looks to be especially funky with a bevy of sci-fi and Cthulhu-esque mashups inside. Don’t delay! Operators are standing by.
Are these available as pdf's somewhere?
Fight On! is released in print format at first, with .pdfs of each issue following a few weeks after.
The .pdfs for Issues #1-3 are available right now at:
The .pdf for issue #4 will most likely be available in 2 to 4 weeks.
Good to know, I had the same question. Even though I work in print media and should probably support it, I'll likely wait for the PDFs, due to their ease of use and portability.
Thanks for the props, Amityville Mike! Past time you wrote something for us, come to think of it....
The PDFs are actually up now in the FO! storefront. I'll be making the public announcement and adding them to the LL old school emporium next week, but since I'm on the page anyway I'll mention it here as a free bonus to the STPR readership.
Keep up the good work here!
Thanks, Cal and thank you for both your own hard work and the heads up that Issue #4 is now available in .pdf form. You folks all hear that? Go get one!
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