That vein of thought has managed to merge itself with a discussion I had with someone a few weekends ago, and I'm now thinking of coupling it with Swords & Wizardry White Box.
I'm aware that the WB rules remain available, but part of my idea involves taking a seed and nurturing it to its ultimate end--for weal or for woe. Thus, BHP White Box is almost ideal for my purposes.
Having just missed an eBay auction for one, I thought I'd cast my net upon the waters of my readers and see if someone has a gently used set they'll never find a use for. If so, before you put it up on eBay or offer it up to Noble Knight, drop me a line and we'll see if we can come to terms in either cash or swag.
I've got a set. I've never used it but the box cover has some minor damage to the cover art. The box came that way so I don't know what happened to cause the tear (and it was a complimentary copy for services rendered so I didn't return it). IIRC the tear is about an long and about a quarter inch at the widest point, slightly off of center.
If you're interested I'll snap a photograph when I get home and e-mail it to you.
I've got copies of the older WB rules on my hard drive--both the Brave Halfling PDF and Word doc files. I can email either or both to you.
I've got a couple of hardbacks and a paperback I got off of Lulu.com--not the boxed set booklets, but the whole shebang in one volume.
Thanks for the offers, guys. I appreciate them, but I'm all set now.
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