Saturday, July 31, 2010

Working Around the Purge

EDIT: I've been informed that the below are no longer hosted on WotC's servers, but I will leave the links in place as a record of what old school products were once available for free courtesy of Wizards. A moment of silence please for their passing.

This is probably too late to make this week’s Underdark Gazette’s list of free stuff, but here it is: Nevermind.

Thanks to reader mark.argent’s suggestion of using the Wayback Machine to track down the proper urls, below you’ll find links to all the available free and legal PDF (and other format) products that Wizard’s used to host in the Older Edition Downloads section before it went away. These are still on their server, but who knows for how long. This might be the last chance to see, people, so grab what you might find useful before they go away for good!

NOTE: While the files I’ve tested worked, I’ve not had the chance to check all of the links. If you find a bummer, leave a comment and I’ll either check to link’s HTML or make a note of it as inactive.

Forgotten Realms
FMA1, Fires of Zatal
FMA2, Endless Armies
FMQ1, City of Gold
OA5, Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claws
OA6, Ronin Challenge
OA7, Test of the Samurai
The Horde
Lands of Intrigue
Savage Frontier
Gold and Glory
Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix 1
Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix 2
Four From Cormyr
Castle Spulzeer
Cult of the Dragon
For Duty and Deity
City of Ravens Bluff
Arcane Age: Netheril--Empire of Magic
Volo's Guide to the North
Marco Volo: Departure
Marco Volo: Journey
Marco Volo: Arrival
Volo's Guide to Cormyr
Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--The Lost Level
Vilhon Reach
Volo's Guide to the Dalelands
Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--Maddgoth's Castle
Volo's Guide to All Things Magical
Dungeon Crawl: Undermountain--Stardock
How the Mighty Are Fallen
Villain's Lorebook
The Fall of Myth Drannor
The North

Classic Modules
I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
Palace of the Silver Princess (B3)
Dungeonland and The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (EX1 & EX2)

The Secret of Bone Hill
Module Text
Inside & Outside Cover
4 pages of Interior Maps
Interior Art

Touch Of Death

Night Of The Walking Dead

Module Text
Outside & Inside Covers
Images of Provided PCs
Interior Art part 1
Interior Art part 2

Feast of Goblyns
Ship Of Horror
From The Shadows
Roots Of Evil

Corsairs of the Great Sea

Wizards Celebrates Birthright's Anniversary

Player's Secrets of Muden
Map of the Muden Domain

An Introduction to Birthright
The Birthright Online City Project
Birthright Campaign: The Official Playtest Notes
Domain Sourcebooks: An Insider's View
A Timeline of the Birthright World
Birthright Pronunciation Guide

Dark Sun
King's Age Calendar/Timeline of Athas
Psionic Abilities and Powers Update
Athasian Templar Class

DLR1, Otherlands
DLA1, Dragon Dawn
Gnomes--100, Dragons--0

Ivid the Undying
Map #1 for Ivid the Undying
Map #2 for Ivid the Undying
Map #3 for Ivid the Undying
Composite Map

Alien Devices
Mystaran Nosferatu Vampire
Shadow Elves - the DM's Guide
Shadow Elves - the Player's Guide
Shadow Elves
Schattenalfen - An Elvish Race

Savage Coast
Savage Coast (RTF)
Savage Coast (TXT)

Book One: The Orc's Head Peninsula Sourcebook.
Orc's Head Accessory (RTF)
Orc's Head Accessory (TXT)
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #1
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #2
Orc's Head Adventure Maps #3

Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (RTF)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix (TXT)
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #1
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #2
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #3
Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium Appendix images #4

Coats of Arms of the Savage Coast

To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 1 (477k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 2 (285k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 3 (291k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 4 (180k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 5 (267k ZIP of GIFs)
To-scale Spelljamming ship deckplans # 6 (257k ZIP of GIFs)

Character Sheets
NPC Character Sheet
Player's Option Character Sheet
Player's Option Character Sheet

Classic Errata
The Rjurik Highlands Errata
The Complete Psionics Handbook (first printing)
The Sha'ir's Handbook

"Road to Danger" Missing Maps
Dagger Rock and Underground

"Wild Magic" Table
Labyrinth of Madness (Module) Errata
2nd edition Dungeon Master Guide (revised) Errata
2nd edition Player's Handbook (revised) Errata
Player's Option Rulebook: Combat & Tactics FAQ
Player's Option: Skills & Powers FAQ
Player's Option: Skills & Powers FAQ (second printing)
More Errata for Player's Option: Skills & Powers (both printings)
Rod Of Seven Parts Card Errata
Rary the Traitor
Border Watch

Chronomancy and the Multiverse
Infravision Explained
DMGR2: Castle Guide
Legends & Lore 2nd edition

Treasure Maps
Section 1 - GR3-1
Section 2 – GR3-2
Section 3 – GR3-3
Section 4 – GR3-4


Steve Lawson said...

Holy crap. Anyone have some must-reads on this list?

Thanks for doing this.

James said...

I'm being slow and lazy, this morning, so there's still plenty of time. Thanks for tracking these links down!

Dungeoneering Dad said...

Thanks a ton for putting all these together. This is fantastic.

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Curtis said...

My pleasure, guys.

Anyone have some must-reads on this list?

That sort of depends what your in the mood for and what your interests are. Palace of the Silver Princess is a great relic of a "could have been." Gary's take on the Alice in Wonderland (Dungeonland) is alway fun.

I've got some interest in the Forgotten Realms so I can recommend The Savage Frontier (by Paul Jaquays!) as a great example of what the Realms was like back before everything got codified. In a similiar vein, the Volo's guides are fun reads. They try to paint in all the corners of the territory they cover, but they're written by Ed Greenwood and I enjoy watching the creator play in his own creation.

I'm being slow and lazy, this morning, so there's still plenty of time.

Good! I feel like I've been slacking as of late and not giving anything back to the community.

Michael Curtis said...

I can't get "Four from Cormyr" or the "Villains Lorebook" to work -- they may be dead. :(

Naw, it was just my ham-handed editing of the urls Try them now; they should work.

Anonymous said...

I would snag The North, Savage Frontier, and all the Volo's Guides. That's enough material to game for a long time. Raven's Bluff is a great Lankhmar-style city.

If nothing else grab Ivid the Undying which is one the best products for post-Gygax Greyhawk. And it's by the missed Mr. Sargent.

James said...

Speaking of Ivid, someone did a very nice, formatted PDF version, here:

Wayne Rossi said...

James, that Ivid PDF was a thing of beauty. I remember that I wanted to do so badly a game with Rauxes as a sort of mega-dungeon. (My high school Greyhawk campaign was heavily influenced by Marklands and Ivid the Undying.)

Gary said...

Thanks for the heads up - snagged a view goodies I didn't already have.

5stonegames said...

Thanks for helping put the community liek this!

Anonymous said...

There's a more polished PDF version of Ivid the Undying available here:

On Canonfire there are two versions of fanmade mock-covers for it available:

Nick said...

You're the man. These are really cool!

I wonder why WoTC is so unfriendly towards people playing the older editions of the game?

Ebonyr said...

Really awesome work! I downloaded a few.

Thalendar said...

I think you missed L2 - The Assassin's Knot:

omne51 said...

Most of these links are bad or have now been removed by Wizards of the Coast

Michael Curtis said...

Inevitable, but thanks for the heads up.